
11 Steps to Quit Drinking 

According to statistics, alcohol abuse is responsible for over 250 deaths per day. This fact alone should be enough to scare any addict. Sadly it is not easy to quit drinking as most of the alcoholics backslide after a couple of attempts.

What’s is even scarier is, one can pass the quitting hurdle but still find it hard to keep up with the recovery process. I don’t mean to scare anyone but that is a pure truth. Well, it may be difficult to successfully quit drinking but that doesn’t mean it is impossible.

There is actually a simple trick behind this -discipline and commitment. Here we look at ways of helping alcoholics quit and if these steps are followed diligently, successful results are guaranteed.

Assessing the costs and benefits of drinking

Quitting alcohol is a decision that should be made at a personal level, it is all about self-initiative. One can’t quit using alcoholic drinks unless he admits it is wrong. Alcoholics wanting to quit should draw a table indicating the benefits of drinking and the benefits of sobriety.

After drawing the table, they are expected to weigh the sides. By doing this, they are able to make a well-informed decision without being pushed and work on it.

Setting specific ambitions

When they have made the decision to quit, they ought to set goals that are not only specific and clear but also achievable. Setting high unattainable goals will only lose their morale and backslide.

Quitting alcohol is a treacherous path that should be trodden carefully or else one would end in rehab.

Informing family members and close friend

Addicts are also expected to talk to someone as no one can quit without help from outside. Family members provide assistance and moral support when needed. At this time too, they are advised to keep off bad influence and avid drinkers.

Gradual reduction of alcohol intake

It is impossible for an alcoholic addict to suddenly quit, instead, he is taken through a gradual and regulated drinking process over a certain period of time. This makes it easier for quick recovery in the future.

Controlling Stress

Most people who indulge themselves in alcohol abuse do so due to stress-related issues. Drinking alcohol doesn’t provide solace but only make it worse by endangering lives. One can manage stress by engaging in physical exercises which in turn detox the body.

Managing stress also enables one to make the right decisions.

Shunning away from activities that would lead to drinking

After an effort is made to quit alcoholism, the last thing one would do is get to alcohol drinking areas. All activities and events that would tempt one to gobble down a few glasses of wine should be avoided like a plague.

These events would include parties and get together activities. In the case where one can’t avoid friends who drink, it is advisable they are informed of the plans to quit drinking.

By making them aware, they will drink away from their friend who is trying to quit. In addition, alcoholics are required to assess their lifestyles and cope with any emotional triggers of alcohol intake.

Getting enough sleep

Alcohol is a depressant drug that leaves one exhausted most of the time. Since alcohol keeps one awake and hence disrupting sleeping patterns, induced long sleeps are necessary as they detox the body.

Maintaining a healthy diet

Most alcoholics depend entirely on alcoholism and avoid food in most cases.
Denying a body the necessary food nutrients is just as poisonous. They are advised to take plenty of food especially fruits, vegetables and lots of water.

Healthy feeding keeps the body strong. In addition, food helps one lose cravings for alcohol.

Seeing a doctor

Most alcoholics experience withdrawal symptoms when they try to quit. The symptoms include:

  • anxiety
  • convulsions
  • headaches

Just to mention but a few. If these symptoms are noticed, the addicts should see a doctor for medical attention.

Engaging in conversations and talks

That’s what families and friends are for. Alcoholics shun away from important discussions due to the lower self-esteem that comes with alcoholism. However, by engaging their friends in conversations they become bold.

This makes them feel worthy after all. It also acts as a motivation to quit drinking.

Admission to a treatment facility

Some people recover on their own but others depending on the extent of their drug abuse end up in rehab. Here they are watched by medical specialists who help them recover.
Finally, it is my sincere hope that the above ways will help anyone struggling with alcoholism.

It is not easy for sure but with discipline and commitment, it becomes a success story at the end of it all. It is never too late to quit, it is all about setting the right mindset onto it and staying positive always.