Addiction & Family

Providing Love and Support for a Child Struggling With Addiction

Parents play many roles and wear many hats when it comes to looking after their children. They are protectors, guardians, guidance counselors, peacekeepers, and so much more. Above all else, parents focus on keeping their children safe as they grow and navigate life. As children get older, they face many challenges and will conquer many demons. It’s up to parents to help them through it all. This is especially true for those who struggle with Drug Addiction.

What to Look for

Sometimes it’s hard to see the signs and it’s even harder to admit that your child needs help. Parents never want to feel like they’ve failed their child. Raising a child who has an addiction to drugs is not failing as a child. Your child is still the same person they’ve always been, they just now need some help to overcome the battles that they are facing. The first step is admitting that your child has a problem. If you’ve seen them sneaking around, acting reserved and sulky, making private phone calls, leaving at all hours of the night, and hiding paraphernalia in their room then it’s time to have the talk. A child won’t always come to their parents when they need help. More often then not, they won’t say anything at all. Therefore, it’s up to the parents to keep a keen eye and reach out to their kid.

What to Look for 

How to Talk to a Child with a Drug Addiction

The first step is acceptance and that’s hard to do for both children and parents. A parent needs to make it very clear to their child that they are a support system, they’re not judging, and they’ll do whatever it takes to help. Those who struggle with addiction have a lot going through their head. They can feel angry, worthless, lost, and confused. They might want to lash out at whoever offers a helping hand. It’s crucial that parents stand their ground and make it clear that they’re not giving up on their child until they get the help that they need. Once a child understands that a parent is there to help, the recovery process can begin.

Going Through the Detox Process

Detoxing is really what starts the whole journey of recovery. It’s hard, exhausting, and mentally and physically challenging in every single way. The detox process is an intervention process where the substance abuser can safely withdrawal from the drug. The withdrawal symptoms will take a toll on the person’s body and therefore, they need all the support they can get from family. It is a huge first step and one that needs to be taken with support. Parents will need to offer support to their children in the months to come. That’s because detoxing takes time. During that time period, the substance abuser’s brain may turn on them, make them think dark thoughts, and make them crave the drug. A parent needs to be on hand to offer whatever support their child needs and to make sure they don’t relapse.

Choosing the Right Drug Rehab Center

Parents need to learn as much as they can about the various rehab centers in order to ensure their child is getting the best care possible. This means choosing between inpatient and outpatient treatment. Inpatient treatment is a tough choice for those who have children struggling with drug or alcohol abuse. That’s because the child goes away to get the help they need. Often times communication is limited and visitors are restricted for extended periods of time. These treatment centers and drug rehabs, however, focus on the individual and what they need. It’s important for parents to remember that these centers are offering things that they don’t have the means to offer. These are things like medical help, psychological guidance, and support from peers who are going through the same thing. There are also therapy and counseling session and activities to take the abusers mind off the drug or alcohol.

If a Parent Chooses Outpatient Care

A parent will play a huge role in their child’s recovery if they decide outpatient care is the best choice. A parent will become the biggest supporter, counselor, and helper of their child who is recovering from drug and alcohol abuse. A parent will need to make sure that their child is attending every program deemed necessary. It’s also up to the parent to keep an eye on signs that their child may or may not be using again. It’s tough love but it’s love that works. Drug tests are often given at the outpatient rehab center but that doesn’t mean the work stops at home. Parents need to continue to be diligent to make sure their child isn’t falling back into old patterns.

Conclusion: Loving the Child Through it all

Recovery is a process. It doesn’t ever really end. It’s something that an abuser will struggle with off and on for the rest of their life. Therefore, they need the support of their parents. Parents need to do what they can to conquer each day without turning back to drugs.