Substance Abuse Stats in Jackson, Mississippi
The city of Jackson is located in Hines County, Mississippi. The following are some alarming substance abuse statistics about Mississippi’s largest city:
- Between 2011 and 2017, Hines County had the lowest percentage of overdose deaths per 100,000 people of any county in MS (6.2%).
- In 2017, Hinds County produced the 2nd highest number of drug related arrests of all MS counties.
- 76 out of every 10,000 people in Hines County received substance abuse hospitalization between 2011 and 2015.
Choosing Between an Outpatient and Inpatient Rehab
Both outpatient and inpatient rehab have their own benefits:
- Outpatient Treatment in Jackson – This type of program works well for those who cannot get free for full-time treatment (those who must care for children, work a job, etc.) and involves limited hours per week.
- Inpatient Treatment in Jackson – For those who can manage it, a 24/7 inpatient program provides the most supported and monitored environment for substance detox.
The same types of treatment options are generally available in both types of programs.
How Long Can Treatment at Rehab Last?
While there are programs that advertise “quick results,” to effectively detox, we recommend at least a 90-day program. Some patients spend many months in rehab following detox. A lengthy stay will assist you in establishing habits that will greatly contribute to your long-term success.
It is not always possible to devote months to recovery, but maintaining some kind of accountability will greatly lesson your likelihood of relapse.
What to Expect at Rehab
Generally, when entering rehab, each patient will receive individual assessment and a custom treatment regimen. Whether you choose inpatient or outpatient rehab, several basic therapies are typically included:
- Medical treatment and monitoring – Substance withdrawal is a difficult process and one that can be potentially eased with specific types of medication.
- Individual counseling – Personal and private support can help in goal setting and maintaining proper perspective.
- Group therapy – Positive peer interaction can be a great boost to personal motivation.
When Would You Need to Go to Detox?
Below are a few factors to be considered when determining your potential need for outside assistance:
- If you find you are taking more of a substance, more often, or for longer than recommended, you may need to detox.
- If you notice behaviors that are out of character, like volatility, depression, or seclusion emerging consistently, you may need a detox program.
- If a loved one expresses concern about your behavior or habits, you may be a candidate for a detox program.
How Long Is Detox?
There are many factors that contribute to detox completion timelines, such as the following:
- Personal metabolism and state of health – Poor health and a slow metabolism can greatly hinder the speed of detox.
- Type of abused substance – Certain drugs (such as stimulants) can take a greater amount of time to fully rid from your system.
- The amount and length of abuse – Taking large amounts of the abused substance for a long period of time can significantly slow your detox timetable.