Fairmont, WV Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers

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Substance Abuse Stats in Fairmont, WV

West Virginia is at the center of an opioid epidemic that’s been going on for nearly 2 decades. Fairmont and Marion County are fighting a battle against opioids that began in 2001. 

Over the first 16 years of the epidemic, all drug overdose deaths increased by 5 times. Even worse, fentanyl deaths increased by 8 times.

In fact, fentanyl is the driving force behind the epidemic. In 2016, almost 40% of all overdose deaths were caused by fentanyl. 

Choosing Between an Outpatient and Inpatient Rehab

Your care team will help you choose the right rehab type for you. Every situation is different, but generally, inpatient rehab is the best choice. 

That’s because inpatient rehab gives you an intensive experience you won’t get anywhere else. 

Still, outpatient is a good alternative if it’s not possible to go to inpatient. This kind of rehab lets you attend part time. That way you can keep working or attending to responsibilities.

How Long Can Treatment at a Rehab Last?

The length of treatment depends on:

  • Your drug abuse history 
  • Your health history 
  • Your relapse history 

Even considering those factors, you should always go to rehab for 3 months or longer. That sounds like a big time commitment, but it’s the shortest length of time that’s proven to work. 

When you cut rehab short, you increase your risk of relapse. For opioid recovery, 12 months is the minimum. The more time you commit to rehab, the better the chances of a good outcome. 

What to Expect at Rehab

Not sure what happens at rehab? It’s unpredictable because rehab is different for everyone. The goal is always recovery, but the best way to get there is different for each person. 

Some examples of evidence-based treatment include:

  • Behavioral therapy: This kind of therapy teaches you that you have more control over your behavior than you think. 
  • Contingency management: CM is an intervention that helps you stay drug-free for longer periods of time. It often uses incentives such as money in exchange for negative drug tests.

When Would You Need to Go to Detox?

You should go to detox if you have a substance use disorder (SUD). You may have a SUD if you:

  • Have a history of relapse 
  • Have tried to stop using drugs without success
  • Have damaged relationships to use drugs 
  • Have neglected responsibilities to use drugs 

When you have a SUD, you are at an increased risk for relapse if you try to detox without help.

A medical detox program keeps you comfortable and increases your odds of success. 

How Long is Detox?

The length of detox is different for each case. It’s not common for detox to last longer than 3 to 7 days. 

However, it’s possible for detox to last 14 to 21 days or longer in some cases. That’s usually the case for drugs with a long half-life that can stay in your system longer. 

Factors that affect the length of detox include:

  • The drugs you’re detoxing from 
  • Your health and metabolism 
  • Your drug use history 


  1. Detoxing from drugs and alcohol. (2018, October 8)
  2. Walker, R. (2015). Substance abuse disorders and evidence-based practices. 
  3. Substance Use & Misuse, 50(8-9), 956-963. doi:10.3109/10826084.2015.1010905
  4. West Virginia Board of Pharmacy. (n.d.). Prescription opioid problematic prescribing indicators: Marion County