Weirton, WV Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers

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Substance Abuse Stats in Weirton, WV

The Weirton Daily Times has covered the area’s growing opioid problem since 2015. Like much of West Virginia, Weirton has it worse than most areas. 

In fact, a Hancock County addiction center owner was convicted of illegally selling Suboxone to his clients!

Weirton residents say that the epidemic costs them a price they can’t afford to pay. 

In 2019, Hancock County doctors prescribed opioids 814 times per 1,000 residents. That’s above the national average. It’s almost enough for each resident to have his own prescription! 

Choosing Between an Outpatient and Inpatient Rehab

Not sure what kind of rehab is the best for your situation? Rehab is different for everyone and it’s important to choose the right type for your needs. 

Inpatient rehab is a good choice for most people. It includes an intensive, 24/7 environment that can help you stay focused on recovery. Removing yourself from everyday life helps you recover without distractions. 

Outpatient rehab is an alternative if you can’t leave work, school, or children to attend rehab. 

How Long Can Treatment at a Rehab Last?

Your rehab treatment should last 90 days or longer. Remember, that’s a minimum! You should always go to rehab for the longest period you can. 

That’s because addiction is a long-term disorder. It takes time to learn to manage it correctly. Even when you’re in recovery, you’ll keep using the strategies you learned in rehab. 

For opioid addiction, the minimum is 12 months or longer. Opioid addiction takes longer in recovery than other drugs. 

What to Expect at Rehab

Not sure what you should expect at rehab? You’re not alone in that. Rehab is different for everyone. The best treatment centers create a new rehab plan for every client. 

Your rehab plan may include:

  • Activities: Therapeutic activities can be a great emotional outlet during recovery. 
  • Evidence-based treatments: A combination of medications and therapies can provide you with the best recovery outcome. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication-assisted treatment are first-line therapies. 

When Would You Need to Go to Detox?

You should go to rehab if you have a substance use disorder (SUD). The signs of a substance use disorder include: 

  • Not being able to stop using drugs even when you try
  • Damaging your relationships to use drugs
  • Neglecting your responsibilities to use drugs
  • Experiencing withdrawal when you stop using drugs

It can be very hard to stop using drugs when you have an SUD. The help of detox gets you through the first stages. 

How Long is Detox?

Detox lasts anywhere from 3 days to 21 days or longer. In most cases, it lasts 3 to 5 days. The length of detox depends on the drug that you’re stopping.

For instance, alcohol withdrawal is often done in 3 to 5 days. However, stimulant withdrawal can last 10 days or longer in some cases. 

Other factors that affect detox length include your health and metabolism. Other drugs that you use can affect length of detox, too. 


  1. Hancock County addiction center co-owner admits to illegally selling suboxone. (2019, May 16)
  2. Hancock County. (2019). Prescription opioid problematic prescribing indicators county report
  3. State has highest drug overdose death rate. (2015, June 18). Weirton Daily Times [Weirton, West Virginia]