About Us

At RehabAdviser.com, our goal is to educate individuals and families about Drug and Alcohol Addiction. Might it be preventive measures, recovery approaches and aftercare, we do our best to inform individuals so that they can get the right help.

In addition to providing substance abuse education we also provide a list of thousands of Rehabs across the US. Our approach isn’t for us to personally review the Rehab, but allow actual individuals who have seek treatment or help with the rehab to review their experience. This helps individuals get a true review from each facility.

What happens when I call?

Calls to numbers dedicated to a treatment facility will be routed and answered by that treatment center.

All other calls will be routed to our Hotline, allowing for individuals or families to speak with an addiction specialist. Our team is here to help answer any questions you might have and help you in choosing the right Rehab. Our mission is to provide you with the right tools so that you can make an educated decision that will support you in the road to recovery.

List of Rehabs

All of the Rehabs that are found on our directory are accredited by The Joint Commission or CARF International. They have gone through rigorous evaluations to ensure that they are in compliance and meet all standards. We do our best to update this list for accuracy from time to time. If you see a sudden change in a Rehabs standings with either the Joint Commission or CARF, please bring it to our attention by emailing us at [email protected], so that we can make the appropriate changes in our directory.