Harmar Heights, PA Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers

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Substance Abuse Stats in Harmar Heights, Pennsylvania

Harmar, PA substance abuse statistics shed light on just how damaging the current state of health is in Pennsylvania. Harmar Township, which is located in Allegheny County, is a small community of nearly 3000 people, yet it has been impacted by a significant number of overdose deaths due to opioid use (among others). Consider a few key statistics:

  • There were 986 accidental drug overdose deaths in Allegheny County from 2015 through 2016.
  • 2016 was the third year in a row where overdose deaths were higher than any previous year.
  • Prescription opioid overdose deaths accounted for 9 percent. The rest were related to heroin, fentanyl, and others.

This information, from the Allegheny County Department of Human Services, provides a clear indication of just how worrisome drug overdoses are in the area including in Harmar.

Choosing Between an Outpatient and Inpatient Rehab

Several options exist for drug rehab in the Harmar Township, PA including:

Inpatient Drug Rehab: In this type of care, a person remains at the location 24-hours a day and receives round-the-clock care for medical needs and therapy. Inpatient treatment is best for those with severe addiction and an unstable home atmosphere.

Outpatient Drug Rehab: This type of treatment allows a person to receive treatment during the day and go home at night. Intensive outpatient therapy involves numerous hours of care most days of the week. A traditional patient has less care.

Many other options exist as well, including partial hospitalization and aftercare. Most people will need inpatient care and then will transfer to outpatient care as they become more stable and healthy.

How Long Can Treatment at a Rehab Last?

The length of drug and alcohol rehab ranges widely based on a person’s needs. Some people benefit from as long as six months in residential and outpatient treatment. Most people will receive an average of 90 days of care. Sometimes, this is much shorter.

Rushing through rehab is not beneficial. It may even make it more likely for some people to overdose or to relapse and use again.

What to Expect at Rehab

During rehab, a customized treatment plan is created for the individual. This process will involve learning about the person’s experiences and create a care plan that reflects it. Some people may need help with mental illness or trauma as well. The care generally revolves around:

  • Therapy: Individual and group sessions of therapy help a person to understand what’s happened. From there, care is given in the form of evidence-based care, experiential care, and holistic care.
  • Medications: Most people need medications to stop cravings and to deal with the pain associated with withdrawal.

When Would You Need to Go to Detox?

Detox is necessary for most people with moderate to severe addiction. This may include people who:

  • Have used drugs for a long time
  • Use a large amount of drugs
  • Have developed a chemical dependency
  • Have overdosed
  • Have relapsed

How Long is Detox?

Detox can last from 3 to 21 days. This is dependent on the amount of need a person has based on the type of drugs he or she used, the length of use, and how fast their body processes and cleanses itself of the drugs. Physical and emotional stability is necessary to move beyond this type of care.


  1. https://www.alleghenycountyanalytics.us
  2. https://www.rd.usda.gov