Substance Abuse Stats for the City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Drug and alcohol addiction is a very real problem in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Consider these statistics on substance abuse in the city and in Broward County related just to overdose deaths.
- In 2019, Broward County had 1,367 people die from drug overdoses.
- Of those that died, most of the overdoses were from heroin and fentanyl.
- By comparison, 699 people died from drug overdoses in 2017, showing the remarkable jump in deaths in just 2 years.
Choosing Between an Outpatient and Inpatient Rehab
Inpatient drug treatment provides 24-hour support in a safe environment. Individuals work on their physical and mental needs while being monitored. Most people with addiction start treatment here because it’s so supportive and a drug-free environment.
Outpatient drug treatment may be more flexible by allowing people to live at home while they get care. However, it is also a higher risk. That’s why most people begin their care in inpatient treatment before moving to outpatient treatment over time.
How Long Can Treatment at a Rehab Last?
The length of time you’ll be in drug addiction treatment in Fort Lauderdale is very much dependent on your ability to make changes and to address underlying trauma. Most men and women require 90 days, at least for this type of change to happen.
A more extended period of time receiving care can be a very good thing. That’s why most people will need inpatient and continued outpatient treatment for six months or longer. Long-term care remains beneficial for years.
What to Expect at Rehab
During rehabilitation, people will spend time working one-on-one with a counselor, in a group setting, and even in family care. The best treatment centers in Fort Lauderdale create a customized approach. Your care may include services such as:
- Medications to minimize withdrawal
- Mental health treatment
- Talk therapy to work on the cause of addiction and relapse prevention
- Holistic and experiential treatments for mind-body care
Embracing treatment fully is necessary. That’s why a range of care options are provided.
When Would You Need to Go to Detox?
You may need detox if you are still in active addiction. That means your body has not removed all the drug chemicals and toxins. It also means your brain is still dependent on those drugs for ongoing support. Detox helps to break this dependence. You may need it if you’ve used drugs for a long time, used highly addictive drugs, or have relapsed in the past. Follow the recommendations of your doctor for detox.
How Long is Detox?
Over a period of 3 to 21 days, your body will work to metabolize and remove the build-up of toxins and chemicals stored from drug use. This process can take a bit longer for some people, especially if they’ve used drugs for a long time. It also takes longer for those who have kidney and liver problems because your body cannot process the toxins quickly. Detox should never be rushed since it often determines long-term drug abuse recovery.