Hialeah, FL Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers

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Substance Abuse Stats in Hialeah, FL

Hialeah is a city in Miami County, Florida with a population of around 240,000 people. With its close proximity to Miami, Hialeah is on the forefront of Florida’s substance abuse issues.

Consider these drug and alcohol abuse stats for the state of Florida:

  • Over 17% of Floridians over 18 had a mental illness in 2017.
  • Nearly a quarter of Floridians over 12 engaged in binge drinking in 2017.
  • Almost 3% of Floridians over 12 had an illicit drug use disorder in 2017.

Choosing Between an Outpatient and Inpatient Rehab

If you are seeking substance abuse treatment in Hialeah, you will need to choose between outpatient care and inpatient rehab. Almost anyone with substance use issues can benefit from time in inpatient rehab, while outpatient care is suitable only for people who are relatively stable.

The main difference between the two is that inpatient rehab involves living at the treatment center for a period of time, while outpatient care allows patients to live at home and receive treatment for a few hours per week.

How Long Can Treatment at a Rehab Last?

If you choose to go to inpatient rehab in Hialeah, you will probably be wondering how long you’ll need to stay for. The answer to this question can vary a lot and is largely a personal choice.

Longer stays at rehab are associated with higher rates of long-term recovery success. That said, they are also more expensive and time-consuming. If you are unsure how long you need to stay at rehab, consult with addiction specialists at the treatment center.

What to Expect at Rehab

Inpatient rehab involves diving head-first into recovery from substance use disorders. By living at the treatment center and receiving care every day, you create space between yourself and your addiction and re-learn how to live a sober life.

Your treatment plan at rehab may include:

  • Therapy
  • Medication
  • Group meetings
  • Activity therapy
  • Exercise
  • Healthy dieting
  • Skills coaching

The best rehab centers offer the most personalized approaches to treatment. Your addiction can only be healed by addressing its unique underlying causes.

When Would You Need to Go to Detox?

Detox is a very misunderstood step in the treatment process. Going to detox does not mean you are receiving substance abuse treatment. Detox is simply a safe, hospitalized setting that is meant to help patients who are undergoing withdrawal.

Withdrawal from drugs and/or alcohol can be dangerous, and even deadly. Detox provides patients with a safe place to go through withdrawal so that they can start rehab with a clear system.

How Long is Detox?

Detox only ends when patients are stable and finished with withdrawal. This process can take anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks. Mostly, the length of detox will depend upon the severity and duration of withdrawal symptoms.

In some cases, patients will stay in detox because they are physically or mentally unstable, even if the cause is not withdrawal symptoms. Detox is a medical setting, so it offers patients more symptom management than rehab.


  1. Florida Adolescent Substance Abuse Facts. (2019, May 1)
  2. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2019, May 22). Florida Opioid Summary
  3. National Survey on Drug Use and Health. (n.d.). Florida