Martinsburg, WV Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers

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Substance Abuse Stats in Martinsburg, WV

How much do you know about drug abuse in Martinsburg? For starters, drug abuse in the area increased every year since 2014.

Between 2014 and 2015, drug overdose deaths rose both years. The rate of overdose death was 82.8 per 100,000 in 2016. That’s almost double the state rate of 48.0! 

Like much of West Virginia, opioids make up most of the area deaths. In 2016, the opioid overdose rate was 75.8.  The state rate was just 40.6.

Choosing Between an Outpatient and Inpatient Rehab

What kind of rehab is the right one for you? It depends on your needs since rehab is different for everyone.

However, it’s usually best to go to inpatient rehab if you can. Inpatient rehab gives you access to care 24/7. This extra support is a huge resource in recovery!

If you can’t go to inpatient because life is in the way, you can still get help! Outpatient rehab gives you the flexibility to go to rehab while still living your life. 

How Long Can Treatment at a Rehab Last?

Rehab should always last 90 days or longer. Substance abuse disorder is a lifelong disorder. It takes time to learn how to manage it. 

Leaving rehab too early is linked to a risk of relapse. It’s very important to stay in rehab for 3 months or as long as your care team recommends.

Opioid addiction can take longer to treat than other substance use disorders. You should stay in rehab for 12 months or longer if you have an opioid use disorder. 

What to Expect at Rehab

Rehab can be unpredictable because it’s different in each case. No two clients respond to the same treatments in the same ways! 

Most rehab centers work with you to create a personalized treatment plan. It might include: 

  • Counseling to help you learn new recovery strategies 
  • Therapeutic activities to provide a safe emotional outlet 
  • Medication to treat cravings and extended withdrawal 

Every rehab center uses evidence-based treatments such as behavioral therapy to help manage your case. 

When Would You Need to Go to Detox?

You should go to detox if your care team recommends it. You might be asked to go to detox if you:

  • Have relapsed before 
  • Have a substance use disorder (SUD)
  • Have a complicated drug use history 
  • Have a history of using alcohol or benzos heavily 

Detox is an important part of the recovery process. It provides extra care and stability during the most vulnerable part of recovery. Attending detox increases your chances of having a good outcome. 

How Long is Detox?

The length of detox can be anywhere from 3 to 21 days, but it’s most commonly 3 to 5 days. 

You may need a longer detox if you: 

  • Have a substance use disorder (SUD)
  • Have a history of relapse

Some drugs naturally take longer to leave your system, such as cocaine. Cocaine can cause long-term withdrawal for up to 2 or 3 weeks. Alcohol and narcotics usually leave your system by day 5 to 7. 


  1. Mara Tyler. (n.d.). Illicit drug addiction
  2. Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA. (n.d.). How long does it take to detox from alcohol?
  3. West Virginia Board of Pharmacy. (2017). Prescription opioid problematic prescribing indicators county report